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watch gla nail
表玻璃样指甲  detail>>
watch gla
表玻璃  detail>>
watch glass nail
表玻璃样指甲  detail>>
watch-crystal nail
表面玻璃甲  detail>>
 n.  1.指甲,爪;喙甲。 2.钉。 3.纳尔〔旧量布尺度名,约合5.715cm〕。  短语和例子  &n...  detail>>
nail on
用钉子钉在...上面  detail>>
on the nail
立即;当郴在讨论中 立刻, 当场  detail>>
the nail
钉子  detail>>
to a nail
完全, 彻底  detail>>
to the nail
完全地  detail>>
玻璃 格拉松 工业设备公司 巨大左心房 全球解放军  detail>>
in gla
自旋玻璃  detail>>
a watch
具体事物 一个手表  detail>>
be on the watch
留神着, 戒备着  detail>>
be on watch
在值班  detail>>
be) on the watch for
不断监视看有没有  detail>>
on the watch
监视着 留心 守侯着 注意  detail>>
on the watch for
不断监视看有没有……  detail>>